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Apr 11, 2007

Ethanol in the Race of the Bio-Fuels

Much talk has been going on about the use of the so-called alternative fuel sources in order to answer the demand of preserving the environment. One of the highest possible sources of this alternative fuel is ethanol, or that fuel which is derived from corn.
Ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol or more commonly referred to simply as alcohol, is a flammable, colorless, and slightly toxic chemical compound which emits a sweet odor similar to that from most perfumes. This is that type of alcohol that is found in alcoholic beverages. Moreover, this ethanol can also be used as fuel additives, which is what is being introduced in the markets nowadays.

Brazil has the largest national ethanol fuel industries. Gasoline sold in Brazil has at least 20% of ethanol and hydrous ethanol used as fuel. This turnabout in the success of the ethanol fuel in Brazil was due to their almost 30 years of continuous research and study on the effects and other possibilities of the said fuel and still continuing research on the fuel’s compatibility with the many different engine types. Due to this, almost 50% of the cars in Brazil are able to use almost 100% ethanol as fuel. Flex fuel engines can work either with all ethanol or all gasoline or a mixture of both to give the users the optimum performance of their vehicle.

This trend has started to find its way into the international market. In the US, many studies are being conducted to try the said fuel. According to the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) about 107 biorefineries in the US have the capacity to produce up to 5.1 billion gallons of ethanol per year.

Ethanol production would mean additional job opportunities in the field of agriculture and in the manufacturing industry. Also, since ethanol creates very little pollution when burned, this would be equal to lesser pollution and thus, cleaner air. Lesser pollution would also lessen the effects of global warming.

Because of the noise that ethanol fuel is making, the ethanol producers are slowly getting the support that they need in the campaign of promoting their product. The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) lowered their heads to the lawmakers and put an end on costly budget proposals that could have triggered direct crop subsidy payments, instead they opted for another mode of action to tie some subsidies to revenue rather than production levels.
Many of the known automobile manufacturers have also joined in the talks regarding the issue. Still wary on the effects of this fuel upon the make up of their products and the condition of the probable alterations on some of the important vehicular parts like the Mercedes radiator they testified before the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on energy and air quality


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